Didn’t think it was possible for Donald Trump to ruin everything. It seemed to me everyone was making too big a deal out of a Trump Presidency. How bad could it be?
It’s not like we haven’t had a liar in the white house before, George W. Bush lied about Weapons of Mass Destruction and millions of people died.
It’s not like we haven’t had a pussy grabber in the white house before, Bill Clinton grabbed an intern by the pussy and the so called independent counsel investigating the stained blue dress spent $79.3 million dollars. Talk about throwing good money after bad behavior.
It’s not like we haven’t had a racist in the white house before, 44 out of 45 presidents have been racist. Barack wasn’t racist, he was Muslim. Ask anyone at Fox News.
But porn was always sacred. No one ruined porn. Until now.
InTouch Magazine has dropped 5000 words from Stormy Daniels, a porn star, about what it’s like having sex with Donald Trump.
I can’t google Stormy Daniels. I don’t want my cookies loaded with porn links. I don’t want to end up jerking off to Stormy Daniels, that would give me something in common with Donald Trump: we both suffer from poor impulse control, adolescent sexual proclivities and an irrational fear of sharks.
God help me!
And yet, here I am, typing these very words, contemplating YouPorn, Astroglide and searching Stormy Daniels with a towel close by. What a waste of a boner. What a waste of a presidency.