There’s a billboard outside of Las Vegas that was vandalized after the most recent school shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School.
When I say vandalized, I mean turned into something holy for all of us to reflect on. When I say most recent, I mean the 2nd most recent. The most recent school shooting was in a dorm at Central Michigan University. It was the 12th school shooting of 2018.
Who can keep track?
What’s the point?
There are those among us who get-off on school shootings. They watched the horror unfold in Parkland like it was an infomercial for the AR-15. At this moment in time, if you’re still in the NRA, you’re sick. The problem with sick people is they don’t know they’re sick. We can’t offer help. But we can facilitate rock bottom.
You don’t negotiate with crazy. You lock crazy in a white padded room with make believe podiums, jumbotrons looping gun porn and VIP credentials for CPAC.
Speaking of living in the upside down, there’s no one I know who watched the CNN Town Hall with the kids of Parkland, as they squared off with Marco Rubio and Dana Loesch, who didn’t feel like the kids were wise beyond their years and the grown-ups were spoiled brats.
Here we are, 21 days out from The March For Our Lives in Washington, DC. The kids from Parkland organized a march. Can you believe it? They have to protest their right not be shot at while they’re trying to better themselves in school. It’s insanity! So it’s not surprising to find out The March For Our Lives has already been bumped from The Mall. Turns out, a talent show already booked The Mall. Let me tell you something, talent isn’t going to protect you from an AR-15.
We’re living in the upside down where assault weapons are comforting, grown-ups are toddlers, schoolchildren are leaders and there’s something actually worth buying on a billboard outside of Las Vegas, Nevada.