I’m slut shaming myself.
This Sunday, I’ll be watching the Superbowl. Even though the only thing I’ve been captivated by, for the entire season, is Colin Kaepernick.
I’m a whore for spectacle, is there anything more American?
It’s the same reason I tuned in for The State Of The Union, for the camaraderie of abuse. Plus, the look on Melania’s face.
She reminds me of me, trying to process the presidency of Donald J. Trump: stunned, comatose, forcing a Mona Lisa Smile through the humiliation.
Sunny side up grief over grits, is there anything more American?
Today there’s a memo, a top secret memo. It’s so top secret, President Trump cannot wait to clear a path for the memo’s release.
Nunes too soon!
We’re whores for the illusion of secrets, for the illusion of being given a seat at the table, even if what they’re serving is shit.
A shit sandwich garnished with spectacle, is there anything more American?