Hashtag MLK 50

It’s been 50 years since a gun silenced the voice of MLK. He was 39 years old. He had a wife. He had kids. Yes, he had a cause. But so what? I’m not so sure we’re worthy.

MLK would still be here if it we didn’t have guns reducing all of us to livestock. Moo, cow. Moo!

Since 1968 we’ve been screaming “Never Again.” But no one is listening. By no one I mean no one we hand over our authority. So maybe let’s stop. Enough handing over our authority to men and women who clearly can’t handle it.


I beg you to watch MLK’s last speech, “The Mountaintop.” Don’t watch it for the insight. Don’t watch it for the oratory. Don’t watch it for genius of the man. Watch it and notice how terrified he was. Before going viral existed, before backlash existed, MLK was being terrorized.

Data is just another word for mob, and when the mob is aimed in your direction, I don’t care how brave you think you are, it’s terrifying. MLK was 39 years old and the mob was brutalizing him instead of stepping back to take a look at the flaw in their own thinking.

They wore the badge of racism with pride and it cost us a voice for the ages. MLK should be here right now. How amazing would it be to hear what he had to say. I don’t care if it’s about Parkland or who won the NCAA Tournament, I’d like to hear what he had to say.

Wouldn’t you?

MLK was taken from us by a gun. We’ve done nothing about it for 50 years besides allowing racists to hide their insecurity behind crosshairs and a trigger. I wish it meant something, “Never Again.”I wish it meant something, “Enough Is Enough.” I wish it meant something, “MSDStrong.”

MLK went to the mountaintop. He peeked over. Unfortunately, we’re still not ready for the view.