We’re small. A litter of emotional invalids up in arms about the wrong word.
The insulting word is feckless. Samantha Bee called Ivanka Trump feckless. But everyone is upset about a word used to describe the female anatomy. I don’t have a problem with this particular word but it’s not a word for me to use since it’s a word between women.
There’s a word used to humiliate African Americans. I can hear it in my head. But it’s not going to hit my tongue or fly out of my fingers. I can discipline myself. I can leave it behind.
There’s a word used to humiliate gay men and women. I can hear it in my head. But it stops there. This doesn’t mean I’m not gonna screw up, from time to time, and use words I can leave behind.
Case in point, there’s a word used to describe strong women and I used it recently at an open mic. The room pulled away from me and instead of justifying where I was going, I stopped all momentum and crawled inside the mistake. It was the most dangerous place I had been in a long time and I’m grateful to the room for letting me drop the laugh and correct myself.
It was worth the uncomfortableness but it took me damn near 10 years to recognize the sound of the reaction and have the confidence to steer myself toward the fear.
Let’s point the word feckless in a few directions, see where it fits…
Jared Kushner is a feckless weeny. Rudy Giuliani is a feckless schlong. Jeff Sessions is a feckless age spot on the nutsack of humanity. John Kelly is a feckless prick jamming his half hard sense of equality up the ass of Uncle Sam. Donald Trump is a feckless little Viagra pill aiming his limp twitterfeed at a world that’s given-up on him snapping out of it.
The so-called offending video has been taken down from the internet, so now instead of watching for ourselves and laughing or not laughing and thinking or not thinking, we’re forced to listen to an endless deconstruction where all the joy has been sucked out of the punchline. This is what’s truly offensive. Why can’t we react? Why do we have to be told how to react? It’s insulting.
I don’t care about language, I care about guns. I’m not offended by potty-mouth, I’m offended by immigrants being separated from their kids. I’m not outraged by a word. I’m outraged by subjugation.
But I’m allowed to laugh. I’ll tell you this, I laughed when I heard Samantha Bee land the joke.
On the flip side, I did not laugh when I read the tweet Roseanne Barr aimed at Valerie Jarrett. I know it was a joke. I just didn’t find the joke to be funny. I found the joke to be racist.
Roseanne Barr bombed.
But that’s how I see it. I don’t think minstrel shows or blackface are funny. I don’t think powerful people stepping on the necks of those who are struggling is funny. I think it’s abusive in the same way getting picked on in the playground is abusive but you need to go through it in the 8th grade so you can snap out of it. I find it baffling when adults behave like 8th graders.
Roseanne Barr is allowed to bomb. It doesn’t mean she should lose her show. In fact, I think she should keep her show and push the writer’s room to incorporate the offending tweet into the arc of the storyline. It would make compelling television.
Samantha Bee is allowed to be crass. It was the first time I found myself laughing out loud at one of her jokes. She released something true.
If Ivanka Trump doesn’t like it, instead of egging on her insecure daddy to go to bat for her, it’s time for Ivanka to woman-up and fight her own battles.
Full Frontal instead of Feckless.
I think we need to stop the fake selective moral outrage on both sides. The Right and the Left scour twitter and Facebook looking for 10 year old tweets to smear a person into obscurity and shame. And most times the people screaming the loudest aren’t really offended they’re looking for a scalp from the other side. When people can speak and tweet without fear of crossing the PC boundry we might actually have a meaningful conversation about race and guns and police brutality and endless American military adventurism and taxes and stop and frisk….Instead the elites define the parameters of the debate, leaving us in a totalitarian like state.
Grow up already. You write like a college kid but you’re eligible for a senior citizen coffee at Mcdonalds, think about that a moment. You’re not Aaron Sorkin and it’s not going to happen. The above post reads like something a 20 something would write or maybe a man in his early 30s. You’re a senior citizen. Please spare yourself anymore embarrassment and our family.
Let’s split a Senior Citizen McFlurry and then go scouting for Senior Citizen Sex at the shuffleboard court. Thanks for writing, Dad. Love you.